Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Glad Thanksgiving is Over-

One down 2 more holidays to go.  Well little ChaCha has been getting on my nerves. We've gone through 3 harness so far. She keeps chewing Kenji's harness buckle.  Today I sent away for a velcro harness vest.  Hope this will solve the problem.  Will let you know.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Busy Weekend

Where does the time go?  Did tons of stuff including giving the dogs a bath and clipping their nails.  Was  up at 4:30 AM both Saturday and Sunday to get a head start on things like doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms, kitchen etc.  Finally crashed while watching The Girl Who Played with Fire.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I picked her up this morning and noticed she's a wee heavier.  Looks like all the loving and good food is working.  She's such a petite thing at 4 lbs.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Doggy Holiday Photos

Took the whole gang for a photo with Santa yesterday.  They should be ready tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

They Are Getting the Potty Training

Yey!  Its been 2 weeks and no peepee or poopoo on the carpet!  I think they get the idea. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Boys- A problem

Having a small problem with Kenji and Rocky. Seems like Ken has been bugging the heck out of Rock and they got into it last night.  I was washing dishing when I heard a loud yipe. Ran to the living room and there was Kenji in a little corner and Rocky rolled up in a ball on the other.  I reached out to pick up Kenji but he yiped again.  Checked to see if he was hurt but there was nothing.  Went over to Rocky who was trembling in fear of what I would do. Checked him and nothing.  Got to keep an eye on those two.  Looks like they are trying to decide who the pack leader is.  I have news for them, its going to be ME.   I'm not going to tolerate aggressive behavior.  As for Chacha, she's a typical girl in her little world.  That is a good thing.