Monday, December 20, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Doggy Blog

Made many changes mostly design to this blog. Hope you like it. The dogs are now spending less time in their crate and no mistakes so it won't be long that we can put the crate in storage and just let them roam around the house freely. They love going outside and ChaCha does ANYTHING to be out. As soon as she sees the leash, she runs over to me so I can click it to her harness. She wasn't easy to train. It seems that because of her size and cuteness, the breeder let her do what she liked including poopoo and peepee every where! Kenji also likes going out. He does it on command. Kenji is the youngest though you wouldn't know it because of his large size. More videos to post soon. See you later!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Look at the Rockster! A little walk in the park. What a joy these little guys are.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I'm in love

Its been almost 2 months since they've arrived.  They are all settled and familiar with their new environment.  Little Rocky used to be so timid and submissive at first. He would walk around with his tail between his legs. Now he prances around holding his head and tail up high.  He loves to snuggle with me while we watch TV.  Kenji and Chacha love to play but they are now paying attention when I call.  It used to be a hassle trying to get them in the crate at night, now two of them just marches in.  Rock loves the crate, he goes in there and naps when he wants some alone time.  Chacha is extremely intelligent and gets bored easily so I have to find ways to stimulate her mind. She communicates her needs by tugging my pants or pulling my shirt.  When I ask her want she wants, she'll go and tap on Kenji's bowl which of course she is not getting but she tries.  Till tomorrow..... Have a nice day!